Thursday, December 31, 2009

Cancon Prep

Got hold of the 'Empires of the Dragon' list book a few weeks ago and decided to trot out the old Ch'in army (now 'Qin') for Cancon 2010.

Have had a small hiccup with the army list - didn't notice at first that I had to match the number of Close Combat Foot (Heavy Weapons) with the number of Crossbowmen - so I'll be borrowing some now for the 'con.

Game 1 on Saturday will be the first time out with this army in FoG, and the first FoG game for some 7 months... so this should be... ... challenging.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


So what's next?
Well, time for this force to get some leadership, so I'd better get a command stand done. This'll be a HQ stand.

Finally Done!

Phew... that took aaaaaaages!
So the Matilda II is done. I'm happy with how it came out - the blue was a leap of faith, but I'm quite keen on it now.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


OK - so blue it is. Should be interesting... Apparently this is the "desert camouflage of the 1941 - 42 period, known as the ‘Caunter Scheme’"

(Pic from Anzac Steel

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Making some progress...

Finished the base of the 25pdr and flocked another infantry base.

Drybrushing the Matilda II and almost ready to camo and detail, then base.

Apparently the camo was a shade of blue...
should be interesting...

Friday, September 11, 2009

On the workbench

Work in progress, ...

Finishing off another stand with a 25pdr Howitzer and team. The foreground stand is the one nearing completion. It just needs the base flocked and tidied up. The background stand was completed some time ago.

Base coated a Matilda II infantry tank. I've based it in a medium brown and then worked a dark brown into all the grooves and corners with a half-wet brush. I'm hoping when I drybrush the main colour on it will help with the contrast.

Monday, August 31, 2009


Here we go. A blog to show works in progress (many) and completed minis (not many).

Just to set the tone, one of the completed :
Type 23 frigate HMS Iron Duke FFG234

1:3000 Navwar mini. Used for ShipWreck. (Last used about 3 years ago, or so :( but hoping to use again soon, maybe in some solo play as I sort out the ShipWreck rules in my head and maybe add a few house rules)