Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Want! Waaaaant!


I have no idea how big this is, which army I would use it for, or how much it costs ... but -ooohhh- the WANT is strong with this one!

(Link to Baccus miniatures...)

#insert drooling noises here...#

Friday, February 4, 2011

Blogging On Wheels

Here's an entry done while on a tram! The 21st century is g-reat!

So, how cool is eBay? Been busy tracking down some old figures that I've wished I owned from ages ago. Now just to get them on the table sometime, somehow...


So - new year. Lets see if I can blog a little bit more this time. Got a technical assist now though, gonna try blogging a few posts from my phone on the train. I did actually do some painting last year, so I'll get a few photos of them up as well.

...and now, for no good reason, a Chin Dynasty penguin - c. 205BCE