However, I have still been able to enjoy some games of the less lead-intensive type.
Here are some games I have enjoyed these last few months:
Fluxx - Star Fluxx, Zombie Fluxx and Monty Python Fluxx.
Yeah - it is a weird game, and it took a couple of games to really understand what i was doing enough to start to feel like I had any kind of say in what was going on (it initially feels like you are just getting dragged along by the game, but it is possible to regain some control once you realise how the cards interact)
This is popular enough now that I keep a couple of decks in my desk drawer at work and we have had numerous games over lunch. Star Fluxx is the favourite.
Inspired by the Geek and Sundry show Table Top on YouTube, my manager picked up Munchkin. We have had a couple of games now, and its a shame we can't drink at work, coz its a great beer and pretzels game. It does seem that a game can get a little unbalanced though, the last winner had the table in front of him covered in cards equipping and beefing up his munchkin, while the rest of us had a whole bunch of nuffin.
Last Night on Earth
Another Table Top hit. We had a games night at my manager's place back before Australia Day, and finished the night with a introductory game of this.
Good fun as your few survivors explore the buildings of the town looking to fulfil the mission criteria so they can escape while fighting off hordes of zombies. Feels a lot like Mall Of America, except it has a game turn clock to keep you moving along.
I was controlling the two college students and it was funny how the guy was pretty useless and kept trying to make out with the girl (an action card the zombie player can get) but she was ruthless once she got hold of a pistol. Good fun, looking forward to the harder missions.
Memoire 44 online
Still enjoying an occasional late game on the laptop before bed.
I like the combine mechanic of choosing a card to play, and then making tactical movement decisions this game offers.
I like the combine mechanic of choosing a card to play, and then making tactical movement decisions this game offers.
Yeah, another Table Top recommendation. Damn you Wil Wheaton!!!
Great game, though. Push-your-luck dice roller as you try to collect brains and not get shot in the face. The kids loved it last Friday, we played 4 times. Kn grabbed the idea really fast, balancing his risk and boldness. He also grocked the different coloured dice really quickly!
So, still getting some games in, and building up the games cupboard as well.