Well, we got back to the game after a few evenings. Kr stood in for L (who had an early night) with the 'Epidemiologist', and Kn and I picked up with the 'Medic' and 'Liaison Officer' respectively.
We did our best, found the cure for 'Zombies' (Black), but this time we ran out of player cards - which means the clock ran out and we hadn't worked fast enough to stop the pandemic.
There was disappointment, but right away we started discussing what we could do differently next time. So the enthusiasm remains high, which is cool.
The 'In the Lab' expansion is interesting, adding some nice flavour to the game - but I think you need to be careful of it taking extra turns to discover cures. At our skill level, we may need to make sure that we have more players on the board to keep everything ticking over.
Great game though. I'm a fan.