We have a new FLGS! Down the road in Nth Fitzroy is a new game store that also has space for gaming. We checked it out this Sunday, and were badly tempted to buy much stuff. But reason prevailed and we escaped with just the collectors edition of Settlers of Catan - Egypt. Which is just Catan with an Egyptian skin on it, and some nice pieces and an extra scenario.
We also grabbed an expansion pack for Boss Monster, just some extra cards.
L and I managed to get a game in yesterday of the base Settlers rules. It was fun, although we had to fudge a third player as the kids weren't interested this time. It worked out and L won 11vp to my 7vp.
It's a fun game, I can see why it is regarded a classic.
We also grabbed an expansion pack for Boss Monster, just some extra cards.
L and I managed to get a game in yesterday of the base Settlers rules. It was fun, although we had to fudge a third player as the kids weren't interested this time. It worked out and L won 11vp to my 7vp.
It's a fun game, I can see why it is regarded a classic.