Monday, March 14, 2016

Friday stall, long weekend game day

Attempted Catan-Egypt again this Friday, but unfortunately the kids ran out of battery pretty early into the evening, so the game was postponed but never returned to.

However, the long weekend provided a great game day on Monday afternoon with D and R coming over for a nice dinner and plenty of games.

L, Kn and I warmed up with a couple of games of Run Zombie and then a couple of games of Bang the Dice Game.  D and R arrived just then, so we introduced them to Bang and had two great five player games.  The interesting quirk was that despite thorough shuffling and attempts to randomise the dealing of roles, we managed to have exactly the same roles for both games!  R as the Sherrif, D and I as Outlaws, Kn as the Deputy and L as the Renegade.  In the first game the sheriff and deputy won, and the second went to the outlaws.

Then we got into Betrayal at The House on the Hill.  Great fun game although we were all unfortunately eated by a tentacled horror, but you get that/ So that was a win to D.

The last game of the evening was Ticket To Ride, a classic pleaser.  Unpredictable to the end, R came through for a strong second place, with D third and myself a distant last.  But the big win went to L who completed a bunch of routes and secured the longest route with the most trains in a chain I can ever remember seeing! (43)

Friday, March 11, 2016

Building Egypt

Friday 4th March
This Friday night game was Catan - Egypt.
All of us joined in, although poor Kr's batteries ran out first and she more or less snoozed to the finish. The rest of us had a good game, though. I got out to an early lead with some good positioning on the map, but L and Kn managed to get close towards the end - Kn building many Temple Cities and L working the production cards. But I secured the win with the longest trade road and some temple cities and settlements. Good game!