Tuesday, May 2, 2017

So many Squats...

Zillions of the buggers!

So the process starts with prepping the production line of infantry. Rows of warriors and beserkers awaiting their base coat.

Also standing by are some Predators which will be providing some decent armour support.

Loving even just looking at these guys, flashbacks to the 90's.

30 minutes every day

As I was listening to the "Meeples and Miniatures" 10th anniversary special a few days ago, they mentioned in passing a philosophy of getting in just a 'half-hour a day' of painting and the projects will just fly by.
So... let's give it a go. I've been wanting to get my Squat army rounded off for ages, plus the painting itch has been growing for months.
Been wanting to stoke up the airbrush as well :)