Friday, February 26, 2010

Cancon - Day 1

(Jan 23, 2010)
So - for the first time in a few years now the first Cancon morning didn't start with a furry-faced psychopath bangin pots together and screaming "WAAAAKE UUUP!"

So that was good.

Cancon is nothing if not consistant - the doors opened bang on time, and the FoG comp area was ready to go in the usual spot at the rear-middle of the venue, a short stroll from the vendors.

For a very good reason I now forget, the organiser was unable to get the usual spreadsheet setup for determining the draw and ladder, so he ended up doing it all the ol' fasioned way. As a result period matchups would have been to complicated and I end up facing some 15th century Late Medieval Serbians.


Before the 'con

(Jan 22, 2010)
"Twas the night before Cancon, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, except the gamer who had realised he needed an extra 7 Portable Defences stands since he'd re-jigged his list at the last minute" Ah well, it wouldn't be a Cancon if there wasnt some last minute modelling to be done... They came up alright I think.

I decided I needed these as I was fairly sure I would end up facing knights, who would love nothing more than to slam into my medium foot standing out in the open - and you know my terrain rolls are going to be bad enough to leave plenty of open for them to stand in.

Cancon 2010 - Catch up posts

Cancon was a month ago now, so I'm playing catch up here.

First off, the list:

Warring States Chinese (Qin) 221 BC (799/800 points)

CinC - Field Commander
SG - Field Commander
SG - Troop Commander
6x Heavy Chariots - Superior, Drilled, Crossbow
4x Cavalry - Armoured, Average, Drilled, Lt Spear/Sword
6x Close Combat Foot (Medium Foot) - Armoured, Average, Drilled, Heavy Weapon
6x Close Combat Foot (Medium Foot) - Armoured, Average, Drilled, Heavy Weapon
6x Close Combat Foot (Medium Foot) - Armoured, Average, Drilled, Heavy Weapon
6x Crossbowmen (Medium Foot) - Protected, Average, Drilled, Crossbow
6x Crossbowmen (Medium Foot) - Protected, Average, Drilled, Crossbow
6x Crossbowmen (Medium Foot) - Protected, Average, Drilled, Crossbow
6x Skirmishing Crossbow (Light Foot) - Unprotected, Average, Drilled, Crossbow
6x Swordsmen (Medium Foot) - Armoured, Average, Drilled, Swordsmen
6x Tribal Allies (Light Horse) - Unprotected, Average, Undrilled, Bow, Swordsmen
12x Placed Spears (Portable Defences)

Ok, lets go...