Friday, February 26, 2010

Cancon - Day 1

(Jan 23, 2010)
So - for the first time in a few years now the first Cancon morning didn't start with a furry-faced psychopath bangin pots together and screaming "WAAAAKE UUUP!"

So that was good.

Cancon is nothing if not consistant - the doors opened bang on time, and the FoG comp area was ready to go in the usual spot at the rear-middle of the venue, a short stroll from the vendors.

For a very good reason I now forget, the organiser was unable to get the usual spreadsheet setup for determining the draw and ladder, so he ended up doing it all the ol' fasioned way. As a result period matchups would have been to complicated and I end up facing some 15th century Late Medieval Serbians.


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